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Writer's pictureAlivia Health

Alivia Specialty Pharmacy earns URAC accreditation in Specialty Pharmacy

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Alivia Specialty Pharmacy (Alivia SP) is proud to announce that it has earned URAC accreditation in Specialty Pharmacy. URAC is the independent leader in promoting healthcare quality through leadership, accreditation, measurement and innovation. By achieving this status, Alivia SP has demonstrated a comprehensive commitment to quality care, improved processes and better patient outcomes.

Alivia SP is Puerto Rico’s leading provider of specialty oncology products and one of the top three providers of specialty medications in general, providing coverage throughout the entire island. We specialize in serving patients with chronic illnesses and complex medical conditions. Our services range from managing all the administrative aspects of the health plan; educating the patient about his/her disease and medications; providing information on any financial assistance plans available; as well as following up with the patient to ensure the treatment goes as planned.

“We are proud that, after a meticulous and strict process, URAC has granted accreditation to our specialty pharmacy. As a company, Alivia Health's network of pharmacies focuses its efforts on always putting patients first and serving them with love to ensure a better quality of life. Today, this accreditation to one of our pharmacies is a recognition that we humbly and committedly accept to continue serving our communities with the highest quality standards,” said Hari Sabnani, President and CEO of Alivia Health.

“It's necessary for specialty pharmacies to provide a higher level of treatment for patients so desired outcomes are achieved. Alivia Specialty Pharmacy shows a dedication to patient education and safety through recognition of quality it received with URAC's independent accreditation,” said URAC President and CEO Shawn Griffin, M.D. “With URAC accreditation, people know that Alivia Specialty Pharmacy strives to adhere to industry best practices.”

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